ATi Conductivity Contacting Sensor

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ATi Q46C4 4-Electrode Conductivity Monitor

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Continuous water quality monitoring of Conductivity

The Q46C4 4-Electrode Conductivity Monitor unique drive/control scheme used in the 4-electrode system allows a single sensor to be used in conductivity ranged from 0-2000 μS to as high as 0-2,000 mS (0-2 S.) The Q46C4 4-Electrode Conductivity Monitor can be used to monitor drinking water, plating bath solutions, cooling water, process wash water, or virtually any other aqueous system accurately.


Features and Specifications:

  1. Measuring range: 0-2000 μS, 0-2.000 / 20.00 / 200.0 / 2000 mS, 0-2.000 S
  2. AC or DC Power Options.
  3. Analog Output Options.
  4. Digital Output Options. (Profibus DP, Modbus RTU, or Ethernet IP)


The Q46C4 4-Electrode Conductivity Monitor is available for a wide range of applications including:

  1. Potable water systems
  2. Water reuse systems
  3. Aquariums
  4. Wastewater treatment effluents
  5. Chemical systems

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